Assisting clients through all aspects of planning permission applications and appeals
Price Whitehead have extensive experience over a very diverse range of planning schemes and projects.
Our aim is to accompany you through a complicated planning maze to provide you with the necessary assistance and expertise to progress your project ambition. This includes producing feasibility studies, pre-application submission, householder, listed building and full planning applications, lawful development certificates and certificates of lawful use, all the way through to planning appeals where every other avenue has been exhausted.
Guiding you through the planning process helps iron out the more daunting aspects of the planning system, and focuses on any aspects of your scheme that may require greater attention where key policy conflicts might be considered an issue.

A highly experienced planning team
Whether you are a developer or completely new to the planning scene, we will provide you with the professional expertise and capability to assist you on this journey.
We tackle planning applications and projects of varying sizes, type and complexities, attending pre-application meetings, preparing detailed submissions, and overseeing your submission through to a decision.
Some key areas of our work are listed below, but this is not an exhaustive list, so please contact us to discuss your planning matter.
Domestic/Existing Residential Properties
- Many clients require single or two storey extensions to their homes, or reconfigurations to improve flow and layout, perhaps converting a loft or replacing a conservatory with a more robust garden room.
- Projects can also include providing a garden studio for home working, repair schedules and alterations to a listed building, or the provision of renewable energy systems to improve the sustainability of your property.
- Price Whitehead is able to assist you in all of these, which may require a Householder application, a Listed Building application, or may fall within your permitted development rights. We can ascertain the appropriate planning route and prepare the necessary documentation to support your scheme in an application.
Permitted Development
- This area of planning has become increasingly complex as the Government has implemented more regular changes to the permitted development order. Providing you with the appropriate advice and planning expertise in this regard can be highly beneficial to the overall application cost of your scheme and enable changes through a simpler and less costly route than a full planning application.
- Permitted development covers many types and forms of property, and could be used to enable your project to come to fruition. Examples of this include permitted development rights within the curtilage of a residential property, changes of use of commercial properties, changes of use of agricultural properties, installation of new facilities that fall within the order, to temporary rights of use.
- Check in with our planning service for advice as to whether your project qualifies for any permitted development during the project concept stages.
New Residential Developement Applications
- You may require a new build single dwelling on a green field site where appropriate under policy we can advice you as to how realistic this is and prepare the appropriate planning package.
- Replacement dwellings, or other previously developed sites with new residential schemes are commonly brought to us by clients.
- We also provide expertise for larger new residential housing developments.
Changes of Use
- Buildings in certain commercial uses can often be converted to residential use and we are able to guide you through this planning process. With our technical department we can also advise early on the process construction details and other key factors.
- Many clients have agricultural buildings they wish to convert to alternative uses, from residential dwellings to diversification projects such as farm shops, tourism accommodation, or commercial uses.
- We frequently assist with planning applications for clients seeking change of use of land for alternative uses.
Lawful Developmet Certificates
- Applying for a lawful development certificate for a proposed development provides peace of mind when you come to sell your property ensuring that your extension was lawful in planning terms.
- Seeking planning for a certificate of lawful use and development where you may have undertaken works that did not benefit from planning consent and you wish to regularise this situation is an area of work we have extensive experience in, and you would be amazed how often clients find themselves in this position.
Planning Appeals
- Where a Local Authority has refused to grant permission, we can assess whether the planning appeal process is an appropriate route and prepare and lodge an appeal on your behalf.
- Where a Local Authority has failed to determine a planning application, we can prepare and lodge an appeal on non-determination grounds.
- There are three different approaches to appeals – written submission, informal hearing and public inquiry. We have worked with clients in all of these areas.
Planning Conditions and S106 Obligations
- Sometimes a decision notice may have unreasonable or inappropriate planning conditions attached and we can prepare the appropriate application to remove or vary these.
- Most applications are granted subject to planning conditions. These can be pre-commencement conditions that require discharging before a scheme can commence, or conditions that require discharging before the scheme completes. We can provide advice and assistance in seeking appropriate discharge of conditions as required.
- S106 and older S52 obligations can sometimes be amended or removed when these have previously been imposed as part of a grant of permission. Please speak to our planning team if you would like assistance with these.
Listed Buildings
- Listed buildings, their curtilages and settings, and proposals falling within Conservation Areas require a greater level of skill and detail being applied in making applications that affect these historic environments. Price Whitehead provides the technical expertise and knowledge to be able to discuss and progress such proposals with Local Authorities.
Get in touch regarding your planning requirements